ALL new clients are offered a Free 30 Minute Meet & Greet/Needs Assessment Session.
Behaviour Can Be Complex
A picture speaks a thousand words.
Image reproduced by specific permission from creator Liselot Boersma
Behavioural Solutions
So You Have a Problem? What Would You Like Your Dog To Do Instead?
I have chosen in my career to remain accessible to ALL pet dog owners. When an owner rings me because they are upset about their dog's behaviour, or because they want training to 'fix' a problem, I don't know if I will see something simple or complex. I only know that it is too much for that owner to deal with at that moment.
I will see all dogs with all levels of problem for initial behavioural assessment visits, and I cap the price at £45 for the first session of approximately two hours duration.
This First Home Visit price is kept low to be within most budgets and to encourage people to deal with issues promptly. Often the longer a problem is left, the worse the prognosis. One-to-ones can be wherever the problem behavour happens, helping dogs generalise commands or deal with issues, for example changing how they feel in the vet’s waiting room.
Whether I arrive to something I consider just needs basic training advice and a little guidance or a significantly dangerous situation requiring emergency management, the first visit price is honoured. To THAT owner their pet and family are just as important as any other's.
During the assessment visit, advice IS given to whatever level I can manage within the time. In some cases this single visit gives people enough understanding to work forward with their pet/s for a better outcome. But we can also look at training plans and discuss future visits/on location or stooge dog sessions, which are priced individually according to many factors. Also for some owners the aim may be to work up to a level where they can join one of my classes. Follow up visits are usually shorter sessions than initial assessments Costs are always discussed prior to bookings, there are no hidden fees.
HOWEVER, sometimes I see problems which I am not comfortable advising on without veterinary approval. This may be linked to health OR behaviour, or both! In these cases, the assessment visit is still charged for but if the client follows advice to go to their vet, that is taken off the £270.00 Full Behavioural Service price. Further details on this service, which includes two further time-flexible direct sessions within six weeks, written reports as necessary, unlimited email support and unlimited veterinary liaison, are on my flyer which you can ask your local vet for.
If you have not yet made contact and feel you would like this level of support with YOUR dog, I do provide it for all clients. However I need your written permission for your vet to discuss your pet's history with me and vice versa. The Veterinary Referral Form also contains a behaviour questionnaire which any clients are welcome to use and give me prior to normal Assessment Visits.
Choices Meme
Wilde Bondarenko
Choices Meme
Be Careful Whose Advice You Take
Check My Credentials
Behavioural science has rules. It has laws. At the heart of these is
The Reinforcement quadrant...
Positive Reinforcement adds good things. Negative Punishment takes away bad things. These increase behaviour.
Positive Punishment adds bad things. Negative Reinforcement takes away good things. These decrease behaviour
BUT, there is a lot more to it!
Services provided by people who claim they are 'trainers' is very varied, and so do the methods they use. My Project Trade page discusses this further. Pet Dog Training is still unregulated, many service providers have no qualifications at all. Checking qualifications is sensible. Some of my old CPD certificates are in this site. All Vets , Vet Staff and clients are welcome to ask to see my full CPD folders, evidnce of inusrance and current professional memberships too.